Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Move in day Chapter 1.1

Cassie Dame arrived at her new house in Sunset Valley.  A bit exhausted from her travels and a little overwhelmed since this is her first time out on her own. 

 She opens the front door and takes a peak inside and says, "Its nothing spectacular, but at least it is a roof over my head.  She quickly closes the door and turns to her best friend in the world, Trixy.  

She smiles up at her friend and pets her mane slowly. "You know, Trixy I'm glad we are out away from everyone. But, it feels so weird being on our own.  I'm glad you are here with me."  Cassie says softly as she brushes Trixy's fine fur. 

 Cassie looks at her new house a moment and then back at Trixy and takes a deep sigh.  She smiles brightly, at her horse friend and says, "It's to nice outside to go in right now.  Why don't you say we  go check out the neighborhood and see what we are getting our selves into?" she asks Trixy jokingly.  Cassie, not wanting to take the time to go change quickly checks Trixy's saddle and mounted her.  Struggling a bit, with her high heals she curses her impatience silently.  

Cassie, feeling a bit untrained in the saddle she holds on to the reins tightly as she leads Trixy down the street.  Starting to feel a bit more at ease on the back of her long time friend her mind starts to drift. She remembers leaving home, her mom in tears and her father yelling at her to get out.  How she hated the man and his abusive ways.  He said she was worth nothing and all she wanted to do was ride her horse.  She thought a moment,  as this is true she knows shes worth more and she is determined to prove it.  She always dreamed of being a champion horse back rider but also really enjoyed cooking (mostly because it came so easy to her).

 Cassie frowns slightly as her thoughts shift to her mother.  She worried he would hurt her more if she wasn't there for him to take his anger out on but, she was afraid and just couldn't do it anymore.  She sighs slightly before she is brought back to reality with a big bump.  Cassie reaches slightly rubs her back as she lets out a soft, "ouch"  Smiling a moment she pats Trixy's neck slightly as she rides, realizing her emotions were getting the most of her.  "I know girl.  I know.  We are safe and away now! This will be wonderful" she says in a soft tender voice as she looks around her new neighborhood.

She rides into the middle of town looking at all the buildings.  She says softly to herself, "Definitely a lot more to do around her then back home."  She looks over her right shoulder and looks out at the park smiling brightly, how she loves the outdoors. 

 As she is looking over the park she wonders why no one is around before all the noise to her left drew her in.  A rally was bing held at city hall.  "What are they doing over there?" she asks Trixy in a confused voice. Coming from a very small town she wasn't used to so much noise and unrest. She shrugs it off as she continues down the road.

She gets to a Bistro and feeling a bit hungry she decides to stop for a quick bite to eat.  She quickly dismounts, only to fall on her behind forgetting she never changed her shoes.  She curses quietly to herself, "why didn't I change" she whispers angrily as she gets up and dusts herself off.  Cassie reaches into her pockets to get some money.  Only to realize she doesn't have much left from the move.  She sighs softly as she looks at Trixy.  "Well maybe I should ask if they are hiring instead?" She asks her best horse pall. With a quick nod from Trixy, she heads in with confidence.

She walks up to the counter and asks politely for the manager.  The waitress told her to sit down at a table and someone will be with her as soon as possible.  A bit nervous Cassie sits down and folds her arms in her lap as she patiently awaits.  Only a minute later the manager walks out.  She introduces herself and told him how she really wanted to be a great chef one day.  She really wanted to know how to make every recipe that she could ever get her hands on.  The manager impressed as he listens to her gave her a job starting the very next day.   Cassie, excited and so proud of herself rushes out to tell Trixy the great news. 

So excited she mounts Trixy in a rush as she tells her of her success! "We will show Father!" she says proudly as she swings her leg over to the other side.  She looks down to rub Trixy's neck realizing in her excitement she is facing the wrong way

.  She giggles softly to herself and turns around.  She looks down and gives Trixy a soft hug from above being careful not to lean to far.  She says softly, "Well girl its been a long day.  Maybe we should head home and rest." she says softly before heading to their new home.


  1. Great start to your legacy, can't wait to read more

  2. I like the start to your legacy and your sim's background. Also, your horse is gorgeous

  3. Thank you! There is more to come soon!
